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Tony Dow Booking
Tony Dow - Wally Cleaver - Leave it to Beaver

google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Tony Dow Past and Present


Tony Dow

Yes, he was Wally Cleaver on popular television show Leave it to Beaver.

Today Tony Dow now splits his time between supervising the development of a stunning condo project in Santa Monica and pursuing his long time interest in sculpture. His work is shown in an prominent gallery in Beverly Hills and he was recently chosen as one of two sculptors to represent the U.S. in an international exhibition at the Louvre in Paris.


Specializing in: Acting, Directing, Coaching, Hosting, Personal Appearances and Voice-over. 

Tony Dow Booking Form

Tony Dow Bio

Tony Dow IMDB

Tony Dow Dinner Parties

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google.com, pub-0240078091788753, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0