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Butch Patrick Articles > Springfield Tattoo Shop on New TV Series

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9 Aug 2014


Springfield Tattoo Shop on New TV Series

epic ink

SPRINGFIELD, Ore. — A local group of artists is leaving its mark on Hollywood.

Staff at Area 51 Tattoo in Springfield is the focus of a new television series on A&E.

The show is called Epic Ink.

Area 51 staff consider themselves a blend of hyper-realistic and cutting edge tattoo art. Oftentimes featuring beloved characters and scenes from favorite sci-fi films and pop culture.

The shops owner says they’re serious about their work, but love to have fun. And they say that will show on the show.

“A bunch of shenanigans, we don’t take ourselves very seriously there’s no drama, a bunch of goofIness, pop culture references and stuff, but we do take the art very seriously,” said Chris 51, Area 51 owner and tattoo artist.

Regulars at Area 51 include Butch Patrick, the original Eddie Munster and the mistress of the dark herself, Elvira.

Film crews worked 16-hour days, six days a week, for eight weeks.

The show premiers on A&E on August 20.

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